The life and times of John Bruecker 
The Forgotten Genius
- a Biography

Johann Brücker was born on September 3, 1881 in Neu-Passua, a
Danube-German community in what was then the dual-monarchy of
After World War I the region was arbitrarily awarded to Yugoslavia.
He was the fourth of eleven children of Heinrich Brücker and his
wife Elisabeth, nee Fleiner. The father, whose ancestors had come
from Weyer, the county of Zabern in Alsace, was a tailor and furrier
by trade. The mother traced her ancestry to Marbach-on-the-Neckar in
After graduating fro the town’s elementary school at age 12, Johann
was apprenticed to a local mechanic and locksmith, where he
completed the four year apprenticeship required at the time. From
1895 to 1901 he worked as a journeyman toolmaker and mechanic in
Werschetz, Neusatz and Budapest.
In 1901 he was drafted into the army. However, because of his
technical ability, he was not assigned to the traditional
‘house-regiment’ of Neu-Passua, the k.u.k. Infanterie-Regiment Nr.
70, in which practically all the sons of “borderers”
(soldier-farmers) had served since 1790. This regiment was stationed
in nearby Petrawardein. Instead Johann was sent to the 12th Regiment
of Ulans (cavalry) in Tolnau.
When he completed his training he applied for admission to the Royal
and Imperial Armorers’ School in Vienna. He easily passed the tough
aptitude test and was accepted for the three year course on January
1, 1902. Even in his old age Johann always spoke glowingly of his
days in Vienna, the gracious city on the Danube and the beloved
Emperor Franz Josef, whom he once saw going by in his carriage. From
Vienna he was transferred to Petrawardein where he served as armorer
sergeant until his discharge from the army in 1907.
At the turn of the century many young people from Neu-Passua and
other Danube Swabian settlements in Hungary, emigrated to the United
Among them were two of the Brücker’s sisters. In the letters they
wrote home they were effusive about conditions in the United States.
It didn’t take long for Johann to make up his mind.
Instead of looking for a job after he got out of the army, he
decided that he, too, would emigrate to America. With a light heart
and great hopes he left Neu-Pasua and in due time joined his sisters
in Sharon, Pennsylvania.
The New World made a great impression on Johann. It was his type of
country, a land of freedom and opportunity. Here the work ethic was
to his liking because it was very much like his own. There were no
social barriers in the US and with his accumulated knowledge, his
inborn know-how and work ethic, there was no limit to what he could
achieve in his adopted country.
Opportunities for his skills were limited in Sharon and he soon left
for Cleveland. But when a better job was offered in Lansing,
Michigan he moved to that city and worked in a large automobile
plant. He made friends with like-minded people, sang in a Lutheran
church choir, gathered young people around him and became their
friend and benefactor.
While in Lansing, he became an American citizen. At this time he
also anglicized his first name to John. Because English has no
Umlaut, he now spelled his last name Bruecker, the accepted spelling
in lieu of an “ü”.
The years 1911 to 1923 which he spent with General Electric in Fort
Wayne, Indiana, were perhaps the most gratifying and rewarding in
his life. In 1916 while he was an assistant to the great electrical
engineer Chester J. Hall he became acquainted with physicist and
inventor Charles Proteus Steinmetz, the crippled German immigrant
often called “The Genius of Schenectady” who gave the world
alternating current which makes it possible to transmit electricity
over great distances.
In Fort Wayne, Bruecker also met the celebrated inventor Thomas
Edison, a man with a grade three education who was blessed with a
consummate analytical mind and is still regarded as one of the
world’s greatest inventors.
Bruecker’s association with brilliant men in the electrical field no
doubt helped him to accumulate the knowledge that enabled him to
design and patent the electric shaver in 1913. This is a commonplace
article today, but in 1913 it was way ahead of its time.
In 1924 he moved to Chicago and set himself up as an independent
patent consultant and worked for many years with other inventors and
patent lawyers on projects that eventually found their way into the
He spent his free time improving his electric shaver and other
inventions he had patented.
His big break came in 1937 when Sunbeam Corporation produced and
marketed the “Shavemaster” the first practical electric shaver.
Initially a million shavers were produced annually. After World War
II electric shavers were manufactured under license in 17 countries.
Although 3000 improvements were made on the electric shaver, they
still operate on the principle patented by Bruecker in 1913.
The royalties earned by Bruecker made him a wealthy man. But wealth
did not go to the unassuming Danube Swabian’s head. When soliciting
funds for charities, he often quoted the words “Give till it hurts”.
As far as he was concerned, he could now give more than he ever gave
– and it certainly didn’t hurt as much as when he had a more modest
income. In the end he gave most of his wealth away to good causes
and people in dire need.
Like most Germans in the United States during the two World Wars, he
was probably a victim of harassment during the anti-German paranoia
so prevalent at the time. As a righteous person, of a much higher
moral character than his pestering imbeciles, Bruecker let the barbs
fall from him like water off a duck’s back. If he was affected by
insane anti-German attitudes he kept this to himself and never gave
any indications of it in public.
In 1945, after the war ended, he became aware of the cruel fate that
had befallen the townspeople of Neu-Pasua and all Danube Swabians in
Tito’s Yugoslavia. Unknown to the world, they were driven from house
and home and died in droves from systematic starvation in partisan
concentration camps.
Some were lucky enough to escape to Austria and war-battered
Germany, where they found refuge. When he received word that his
younger brother Peter was a refugee in Schönaich, Germany, he
traveled to that small town near Böblingen, where he also found
other people from a hometown he had left over 40 years earlier, and
had never been back.
Due to bombed out cities and the influx of refugees, there was a
great housing shortage in Germany, to put it mildly. Bruecker
decided then and there to sponsor the construction of 10 homes in
Schönaich for the refugees. This generous act received the attention
of the Allied-controlled German press. For his generosity the town
of Schönaich named an elementary school and street after him, the
State of Baden-Württemberg honored him with a state dinner in the Villa Reizenstein and the
Swabian writer Karl Götz wrote a richly illustrated biography about
him. And, he received many other honors as well.
In Glendale, California, where John Bruecker lived from 1951 to
1961, he became one of its most respected citizens. The “Committee
for the Glendale Memorial Center”, a group dedicated to the cultural
enhancement of the city’s core elected him as their chairman. The
Historical Society of Glendale gave him a “Best Citizen Award”. In
turn he donated a marble bust of General Dwight D. Eisenhower to the
City Hall.
While in Germany, he commissioned a two meter bronze statue of
Christ, which he donated to the First Lutheran Church in Glendale.
He also donated a smaller white marble statue of Christ to the same
Well into his later years he remained a friend and promoter of
youthful causes. At his own expense he brought eleven German
students to Valparaiso University in Indiana and paid for their
upkeep and tuition as well. He also sponsored many student exchanges
between the U.S.A. and Germany.
John Bruecker was a profound Christian all his life and was an
active member of the Lutheran Laymen’s League in the U.S.A.
Between 1953 and 1962 he made 30 trips to Germany where there were
many family members. Bruecker never married and wanted to be close
to his relatives in later years.
In 1962 he took up residence in one of his project homes with the
intention of staying in Schönaich. While there, he suffered from a
chronic illness and had to have one of his legs amputated, which
committed him to a wheelchair for the remaining years of his life.
He died in a Stuttgart hospital on June 3, 1965 at age 84, and was
buried in the cemetery of Schönaich, a town that loved him for what
he was, a kind, gentle, Danube Swabian who was always willing to
help his fellow man.
Very few Danube Swabians in the USA know that it was a member of
their own ethnic community who gave the world the electric shaver, a
most useful – even indispensable appliance – now used daily by
millions of people throughout the world. Danube Swabians in the USA
can point with pride to one of our own, a creative genius who also
exemplified the best in our people: industriousness, inventiveness,
benevolence, tolerance, humility and humanity. John Bruecker was an
exemplary man who brought credit to our Danube Swabian community and
to America.
Let us remember him and honor his memory.
by Frank Schmidt
Copyright Heimat Publishers 1996
Reprinted with permission from the author